Fiscal responsibility, economic expansion, law enforcement, new industry, and education of our children are my most pressing concerns. Together we can thrive, educate and keep our community safe.
For details about the bills I have passed during my career as your Representative, please click here.
A primary concern for all North Carolinians should be reviving our economy in the wake of and post-COVID-19. We must now work together, as one state, to rebuild and improve our once-thriving economy and exit this recession. Altogether, the State must be constantly aware of the impact its regulations, policies and financial decisions make. History has produced wisdom regarding rational tax policy, appropriate and reasonable incentives for developing new industries, and the value of carefully structured and monitored regulations. The economy is a moving target that requires careful analysis and a willingness to change when necessary, but also the strength to hold fast when common sense and reliable indicators so indicate.
As North Carolinians well know, from their own family and business financial experiences, wasteful spending versus smart investing can bring quite different results. As Co-Chair for the Appropriations Committee, it is my duty to ensure that citizens, businesses, educational institutions, and all else that makes our county unique are receiving adequate funding, especially in economic crises. In budgeting taxpayer funds for properly funding state government services and benefits, the Legislature must be committed to fiscal responsibility that saves on debt service costs and supports a strong foundation for economic success.
As society changes, the impact of criminal activity on that society is constantly changing. It is imperative that State government maintains its awareness of and reaction to the threats that challenge life and property. The necessary provision of adequate protection and enforcement, constitutionally balanced with active prosecution, effective sentencing, and humane, corrective punishment is crucial. In addition to the maintenance and control of crime, school safety has become a part of the discussion. Funds have been greatly allocated to ensure the safety of students of all ages under conservative representation. In 2022 alone, the General Assembly has allocated $197,000,000 to school safety measures: resource officers, equipment, etc.
Since my first election, education has been one of my top priorities in office. We as a state must provide the best education for our children, in traditional schools and for those seeking a firm foundation for a trade or the development of a skill that will provide employment in support of a family. Businesses and industries seeking a new location desire a well-trained workforce and well-educated professional and management pool can make the difference in where they decide to move. It is imperative that the State provides adequate financial support, encourages high-level teachers and professors to choose to teach here, and to assure that the children and higher-level students, upon completing their studies, are able to compete with those from other locales around the United States and abroad.
Overcoming the challenges to a quality life depends greatly upon the ability of the State to monitor, promote and cooperatively provide those services necessary to the health and living conditions of its citizens. Available community health centers, child welfare programs, controlled substance detection and treatment facilities, and assistance for those with intellectual and other developmental disabilities are examples of public/private joint ventures that can improve the lot of many deserving citizens.
Please contact me via email or phone!
Phone: (919) 733-5877